Our Season Sponsors

This season proudly presented by:
Nanaimo Foundation: Stanley De Vos Fund
Our Platinum Sponsor this season is Imagine Cruise and Travel.
Our Supporters
Become a personal supporter or promote your business through coverage in the media, posters and programmes. There are several levels of sponsorship, from the full season to all or part of any production. (Monetary donations of $25 or more receive an Income Tax receipt.) To learn more or to place an ad in our programme, contact the NTG Marketing Group at nanaimotheatregroup@gmail.com.
Wahid AliEstate Planning Solutions
With a donation of $150 or more, you can become a Patron or renew your Patronage -- it's a great way to support community theatre!
Patrons are invited to our Special Gala Evening in October and are acknowledged in all NTG programs during the season.
Many Thanks To Our Patrons Of The Season
Inez Baichu
Diane Bennett
David Bigelow
Mike & Janet Bishop
Larry & Judy Borserio
Teri Stewart & Joe Bratkowski
Maggie & Jolyon Brown
Joan Collins
Malcolm & Jeanne Comyn
Rhonda Deering
Linda Dier
Ron & Yvonne Downey
Roger Etherton & Lisa Eckert
Aileen Fabris
Norah Forrest
Lorne Freedman & M. Jane Carroll
Coastal Support Services Ltd
Woodgrove Animal Hospital
Carol Grainger
Patti Grand
Marie Gravelle
Sue Gueulette
Gillian Guy
Peggy Harris & Paul Kirmmse
Tatjana Hayes
Anne Henderson
Nanaimo Tax Services
John Horn & Johanna Bams
Bruce Joiner & Marilyn Metcalf-Joiner
Brenda Jones
Shirley & Tony Koers
Roxanne & Joe Kraskin
Barb Krause
Leonard & Sharon Krog
Heather MacPherson
Meg & Ian Matthews
Lorna McLellan
Peggy McManus
In memory of Gerry Moore
Charles & Marisa Radcliffe
Lynn & Bill Reeve
Gail & Garry Revesz
Ardelle Ross
Pat Scholz
Jacqueline & Gregory Slocombe
Carolyn & Bill Stuart
Jean Taylor
Ian & Ruth Thorpe
Joy Vikstrom
Terrence Wagstaff
Sloane Waldie & Shelley Felton
Wendy Wearne
Judy & Henry Weibe
Marlene White
Cindy Williams
Norm Wolf
Wendy Wulff
Chris Yeomans
Carolyn & Ian Douglas
Remembering Vern Yoshida
Cindy Shantz
David Witty